Kids Never Change
Whatever gripes past generations had about kids and young people in general, they’re probably not much different than contemporary adults’ complaints about today’s youth. That’s because nothing really changes.
Handling Stress
Stress has become a catch-all word for anything bad. That’s missing the mark. Stress can arise from positive situations and, if channeled, can even have positive outcomes.
Merry Christmas!
Let’s see if I can paint a quick picture of my Christmas morning …
Brothers and Sisters
The bond between a brother and sister is the gift that keeps on giving — one of the strongest connections we make in our lives.
The Power of Words
Words have immense power — good and bad. Their meaning crystallizes perceptions that shape our beliefs, drive our behavior, and, ultimately, create our world.
Appreciating Appreciation
Appreciation has tremendous power. Being told you’re appreciated is one of the simplest and most uplifting things you can hear.
The Trials and Tribulations of Being a Man
The trials and tribulations of being a man are many. We have some good traits, but come up short in a few areas. “Some people claim that there’s a woman to blame, but I know it’s my own damn fault.” — Jimmy Buffett
The Trials and Tribulations of Being a Woman
The trials and tribulations of being a woman are many, but they’re the better of the sexes. “Changes in latitude. Changes in attitude.” — Jimmy Buffett
The Heart-Hurt of a Friend’s Passing
It has been my good fortune to have a small, close-knit circle of bosom buddies — BFFs who are truly soul mates and confidantes. If not lifelong, then at minimum decades-long chums who want me in their life and vice versa
High Country Life
Living in the Appalachians is a beautiful thing. I appreciate the appeal of warm-weather locales and big-city bustle and amenities. Having been there, done both, there is something matchlessly special about residing in the mountains and sharing these beautiful surroundings with the folks living in these parts.