The Written Word
Editors Watned
National Proofreading Day highlights the importance of proofreading. Theoretically, the day also allows those who enjoy proofreading to gently correct others! Bonus: Church Oops!
Lessons Learned From a Novice Blogger
Starting a blog can seem overwhelming and intimidating. It doesn’t have to be. Check out these lessons learned from a novice blogger.
The Power of Words
Words have immense power — good and bad. Their meaning crystallizes perceptions that shape our beliefs, drive our behavior, and, ultimately, create our world.
Vexing Questions
Life is full of vexing questions. Conundrums that put creative thinking to the test. Take a walk through this list and add some of your own in the Comment section
The Gospel According To The Internet
Today it seems that there is, more often than not, an agenda behind articles that are emanating from “news” sources. Disinformation thrives and isn’t going away
On Editing & Brevity
Write tight and crisp. Be sincere. To condense a page of thought into a single sentence is itself a prized composition
Why Design Matters
You should see this guy work. It’s inspiring. I’m incredibly jealous of his talent. While I articulate and “connect” with words, he enduringly and quickly bonds with the mind’s eye and
Inventing Words To Make Your Point And Product
If you’ve spent any time visiting here, you know that I love words. Even made-up words. Truth be told, I wholeheartedly embrace the contrived word, the concocted declaration, the made-up phrase
In Praise of AM Radio
I love AM radio. Always have. Always will. As far back as I can remember, AM radio played a special part in my life. For most of the mid-to-late 1960s, I received a late-night
The Importance of Branding
For those of you who don’t yet quite understand the whole concept of branding, as good a place as any to start is with how the American Marketing Association defines the word
Communication Matters & Manners
Undeniably, I’m a prude when it comes to communications. I’m the guy who proofs menus, movie trailers, and instructions. I’m the guy who pictures someone going on a quest to find funny when