You’ve wandered into the residence of one old country boy’s musings and takes on random topics. Wordsmithing aside, I can’t be much more precise than that. With retirement looming, my best friend and wife of 40 years asked — perhaps uneasily — what I would do when I crossed that finish line? While anticipating that new honey-do lists of varying sizes and challenges awaited me, my response was, “Well, I’ve got something to say, so I’m going to write.” Her sigh was a clear acknowledgment of years of being on the receiving end.
Hopefully, at least some of my thoughts will resonate and tick off boxes along witty, entertaining, clever, engaging, and even educational lines. I’ll shoot to elicit a few giggles and a “hmmm” or three. I’ll endeavor to generate well-crafted articles and to treat words with the reverence they deserve.
I won’t put restrictions on content, and I don’t have a pre-conceived game plan for topics. Reflections will be from the heart based on observations and life’s experiences — past, present, and future. I’ll write as if no one is reading.
One upfront promise to myself and you: no hurtful, spiteful, or insensitive copy will find its way to this effort. No lectures. Life is too short to stoke mean-spiritedness and to be miserable. Those mindsets are easily found — unfortunately, to my thinking — elsewhere. Not here. As Winnie, The Pooh-losopher noted, “It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine.” My hope is that you, my dear reader-friends, find some of that light here.
I love words. I hope you come to look forward to reading mine. And I hope you’ll direct your friends, family, and colleagues here for some yarn-spinning and musings.