Were It Within My Power
Character Counts First, Last And Always
Who amongst us doesn’t fall short on the scales of personal makeup, that which shapes us on the inside? Those intangibles judged on an individual’s character-scorecard?
You’re On Bobby Flay!
I can see it as clearly as a hot, steamy bowl of consommé. Throwdown. Me versus culinary artist, gourmet chef, restauranteur Robert William “Bobby” Flay
Ranking Your Ideal POTUS
How can America attract good leaders to vie for the most important job in the world? A provocative question, indeed. I can very nearly see you cringe, your left pinky reflexively on the verge of hovering over the Escape key. You’re thinking that
The Importance of Branding
For those of you who don’t yet quite understand the whole concept of branding, as good a place as any to start is with how the American Marketing Association defines the word
Volunteers Rock!
In no particular order of priority because each is as treasured as the next, my take on the most invaluable and therefore most important groups of people to society are
The Art and Values of Losing
No one likes to lose. Not exactly a profound declaration, eh? It’s painful. Agonizing, even, especially when there is a lot at stake. The degree to what’s on the line at any point in time, of course, differs from individual to individual