Give Some Love To A Teacher

Next week is Teacher Appreciation Week. Teacher Appreciation Day is May 7.

A teacher affects eternity. Only The Man Upstairs can know where their influence stops. By word and example, teachers impart moral and civic values. During the formative and, arguably, the most impactful years of our lives, teachers support us in understanding who we are and the world around us.

Think about the quality of people who you know who have chosen this noblest of paths for their life’s work. For me, just off the top of my head … my wife Debbie, Ms. Mollie, Patty, Barbara, Julia, Vesta, John and Bonnie, Ira and Barbara, Gary, DeeDee, Patti, Stephanie, Sonja, Cousin Susan, Walter and Lorraine, Don, Pam, Ray, Ann, Jim, Liz, Danielle, Tammy, Ellen, GaryMac and Sharon, Maria, Denny, Kip, Dan, Connie, Beth, Olivia, Allison … and I’m sure others who don’t pop immediately to mind. Talk about quality, gifted individuals! Nay, HEROES ALL!

I close this shortest of blog-posts with two notes — 1) by giving direction to my prior blog on the importance of teachers [posted during the pandemic] and 2) by singling out two teachers who, looking back, were particularly important to me — Camille Harrison and Janet White. I’ve long ago lost contact with both of them, but these teachers’ passion, drive and smarts molded the man I am today, personally and professionally. And, sadly, I never thanked them.

So, on Teacher Appreciation Day, let’s all give thanks to these unsung mega-stars who, year after year, inspire us, prepare us, encourage us, and teach us to dream and set the bar high. Thank you for making learning fun and for touching so many hearts and minds. You are, without question, the very best of us.


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