A Special Kind Of Love
Lately, I’ve found myself reflecting on our kids. I suppose that’s a natural place for the mind to go, especially when advancing in years.
Our kids are grown, married, and raising their own children. A couple live a few hours away, and two others live three states south of us. My wife and I understand. That’s what happens. They’ve created their own paths.

So, as I swap my eco-admin hat for a writer’s cap, let’s embark on a sartorial journey through the fabric of our future, weaving a narrative that’s as much about style as it is about sustainability. It’s about time we dress up our dialogue with the most important trend of our times, and I’m here to ensure that we do so with both flair and substance.
As Earth spins on its axis, another April 22 dawns, and with it, Earth Day 2024. A day when we celebrate our planet and the innovative strides we’re taking to ensure its wardrobe is as green as the spring foliage.
But this isn’t about the planet’s fashion statement; it’s about the green economy — a trend so hot, it’s cool, and one that’s stitching the fabric of our future with sustainability and renewable threads. Let’s unravel this tapestry with a playful twist, examining how individuals, corporations, and countries are strutting their eco-friendly ensembles down the runway of righteousness.

Individuals — The Accessorizing Activists
Picture this: You, yes you, are the model citizen. Every step you take is a catwalk where you flaunt your eco-chic accessories — from the reusable coffee cup that’s practically a handbag to the bicycle that’s your statement piece. You’re not just sipping sustainably sourced coffee; you’re guzzling down the future one pedal at a time.
But it’s not just about looking good; it’s about investing in your personal green portfolio. Think of it as a savings account for the planet. Every time you choose a plant-based burger, you’re depositing oxygen into Earth’s atmosphere.

According to a study by the University of Michigan (2020), if everyone in the U.S. swapped out just one beef burger per week with a plant-based alternative, it would be like taking 12 million cars off the road. Now that’s a traffic jam we can get behind!
Corporations — The Couturiers of Conservation
Corporations are the designers of the economic fashion world, and the best ones are ditching fast fashion for sustainability. They’re the Stella McCartneys of industry, proving that you can have your profits and protect the planet, too. These businesses are reducing their carbon footprint like it’s last season’s look, embracing renewable energy like it’s the hottest trend, and investing in eco-friendly materials because plastic is so passé.
Take Patagonia, for instance — a company that’s been eco-conscious since eco-conscious wasn’t even a hashtag.

They’ve made it their mission to “cause no unnecessary harm,” and they’re sticking to it like glitter on a prom dress.
Meanwhile, Tesla is not just a car manufacturer; it’s a rolling advertisement for how cool clean energy can be. Their electric vehicles are like runway models, except instead of walking, they zoom quietly, emitting nothing but vibes of environmental friendliness.
But let’s not forget the newcomers to the green scene. Startups are popping up like mushrooms in a forest, offering everything from biodegradable packing peanuts to apps that help you track your carbon footprint as if it were your steps. It’s a Silicon Valley meets Amazon Rainforest kind of innovation, where the currency is creativity, and the dividends are a cleaner planet.
Corporations are also realizing that green can be more than a policy; it’s a profit strategy.

According to a report by the Business & Sustainable Development Commission, sustainable business models could open economic opportunities worth up to $12 trillion by 2030. That’s a lot of green for going green!
Build’em Right
In the grand fashion show of environmental stewardship, green buildings are the avant-garde ensembles turning heads with their innovative design and sustainable flair. These eco-conscious marvels of architecture are not just about aesthetics; they’re a harmonious blend of form and function, stitched together to benefit our planet, our health, and our wallets.
Imagine a building as a living, breathing garment. Green buildings are tailored to fit the Earth like a glove, using less energy and water — the lifeblood of our existence — while draping themselves in the finest renewable energy sources and eco-friendly materials. They’re the haute couture of habitats, cutting down on emissions and waste as effortlessly as a designer snips away excess fabric, all in the name of slowing down the relentless march of climate change.
But the magic of green buildings doesn’t stop at their environmental impact. They’re like a bespoke suit that not only looks good but feels incredible to wear.

By improving water and air quality, these structures become sanctuaries of wellness, creating healthier indoor environments that could rival any spa retreat. The result? Occupants can strut their stuff with increased productivity, taking fewer sick days thanks to reduced respiratory illnesses and allergies, much like shedding the discomfort of an ill-fitting outfit for a custom-tailored one.
Moreover, these buildings are as durable as a timeless piece of clothing, designed to withstand the whims of trends and the tests of time. So, as we continue to sashay down the runway of progress, let’s tip our hats to green buildings and the US Green Building Council — the ultimate expression of sustainable chic that proves doing good for the environment, our health, and our economy never goes out of style.
Countries — The Policy Runways
Countries are the stage managers of the green economy, setting the scene for sustainability through policies and agreements. Some have strutted forward with the confidence of a peacock, while others have tiptoed like a model in heels two sizes too small.
Denmark, for example, is the Gisele Bündchen of sustainable energy, modeling wind power with such grace that it’s hard not to stare. The country aims to be free of fossil fuels by 2050, and with more than 40% of its energy already coming from wind, it’s well on its way to being the poster child for renewable energy.

Then there’s Bhutan, the small Himalayan kingdom that’s not just carbon neutral, it’s carbon negative. That’s right, it absorbs more CO2 than it emits, making it the world’s eco-supermodel. Bhutan’s commitment to sustainability is sewn into its constitution, which mandates that at least 60% of the country remains forested. Talk about setting the bar high!
But what about the big players? The United States, China, and the European Union have all pledged to reduce their carbon emissions, with varying degrees of ambition and success. The Paris Agreement, a global pact to combat climate change, has become the fashion week of international environmental policy, where countries showcase their latest collections of targets and initiatives.
Humor aside, the impact of these commitments is no joke. According to the United Nations Environment Programme, if all countries meet their Paris Agreement targets, we could limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius — a critical threshold for avoiding the most catastrophic effects of climate change. It’s like ensuring the runway is just the right length — too short, and we crash; too long, and we waste resources.
But let’s not just cheer for the front-runners. The underdogs are making moves, too.

Take Costa Rica, which might not have the economic clout of the G20, but it’s dancing to the rhythm of renewable energy like nobody’s watching. With a plan to become the world’s first carbon-neutral country, Costa Rica is the David to the Goliath of climate change, slinging solar panels and wind turbines instead of stones.
And let’s not overlook the fashion faux pas, because they, too, are part of the journey. Countries that have stumbled on the catwalk of climate policy are feeling the eyes of the world upon them. But as any good model knows, it’s not about the fall, but the recovery. Nations that once tripped over their carbon footprints are now rising, dusting off their policies, and walking with renewed purpose toward a greener economy.
The Green Economy’s Global Gala
As Earth Day 2024 rolls out its green carpet, we see that the green economy isn’t just a trend; it’s the future of fashion — economic fashion, that is. Everyone has a role to play in this chic economic revolution, from individuals accessorizing with eco-friendly choices to corporations weaving sustainability into their business models and countries strutting their environmental policies on the global stage.
But let’s keep it real — the transition to a green economy isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s tough. It’s messy.

It’s like trying to coordinate an outfit with every recycling bin color. Yet, it’s also necessary, inspiring, and, dare we say, fabulous.
So, on this Earth Day, let’s raise our glass (made of recycled glass, of course) to the green economy. May our efforts be bold, our innovations be brave, and our world be better for it. And remember, when it comes to saving the planet, green is the new black, and it looks good on everyone.
Happy Earth Day, you eco-fashionistas, you!
Addendum from LSomerbyCooke …
The humor and scenarios in this blog are fictional and for illustrative purposes. The statistics and references to actual companies and countries’ policies are based on information available up to the knowledge cutoff date in early 2023. Always consult current and credible sources for the most up-to-date information on sustainability efforts and the green economy.

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Reed Sprague
I know a guy who misspelled “Baptist” on his resume but the boss still hired him.
Gary McCorkle
Eye Thoreau Lee njoyed this peace! Awl uv yur punts where whale putt!
(My mother taught English for 44 years. If she knew I wrote that sentence, I’d be punished for 2 weeks!!)
Lee, 2 points:
1- I have accepted that writing on social media ignores grammar and syntax protocols but I still have a hard time when I type an error in a sentence or use a wrong abbreviation. I struggle and say to myself, “I’m not going back and correct it!” Invariably I do, more often than not.
2- as I’ve aged my vision is not as acute as it once was and as you say, I pick up more errors AFTER I have hit the send button.
3- we both have been sports writers and know that there are “allowed exceptions” there. (Side bar- I still cringe whenever I hear someone say, “He had 4 RBI’s!”
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A Special Kind Of Love
Lately, I’ve found myself reflecting on our kids. I suppose that’s a natural place for the mind to go, especially when advancing in years.
Our kids are grown, married, and raising their own children. A couple live a few hours away, and two others live three states south of us. My wife and I understand. That’s what happens. They’ve created their own paths.

Our kids are our nieces and nephews. And I can’t imagine being more blessed.
You see, my wife and I didn’t have children of our own. That’s more than okay because my wife’s brothers and sisters-in-law stepped up several times, including doing the early heavy lifting when rearing our nieces and nephews.
I never thought I would love something as much as my wife and my dogs. And then I became an uncle.
Double Blessing
Being an uncle or aunt is a double blessing. You get to love like a parent once removed and act like a friend forevermore.
We’ve been on the sidelines of our nieces’ and nephews’ journeys since before they were aware of us. A nice byproduct of our early presence in their lives has been strengthening our already solid relationships with their parents.
Our journey has taken us from swaddling infants to knee-high to a grasshopper, from childhood activities and birthday cakes with single-digit candle counts to childhood interests and oh-so-cute elementary and preteen experiences.

Perhaps equally as much for their often-despondent parents, we were also present through the rebellious teenage years. If you’re a parent, you likely well recall those years when challenges were everpresent — e.g., fitting in, feeling isolated, discovering talents and ambitions. Dealing with a perceived lack of freedom and its corollary — creating personal versions of independence. In hindsight, it’s probably not a stretch to state that we were principally in our nieces and nephews’ lives during this time to assure them that their voices were important and that their parents really did love them.
As the brilliant Dave Barry said, “To an adolescent, there is nothing in the world more embarrassing than a parent.” Fortuitously, as uncles and aunts, we were a step enough removed to be mostly immune to such assessments.
Lessons Learned For This Uncle
Despite distances, we endeavored to help our nieces and nephews negotiate a few dark periods and the challenging journeys of their arduous teenage years.
These experiences helped me recall how social pressures for an adolescent could be oh-so-painful. There comes a time when nearly every teenager can start an argument in an empty house. With adolescence comes a period when they’re as confused about life as a fart in a fan factory. Of course, it wasn’t our role to jerk a knot in their tails. It was our job to provide support and love and help open a window to display their gifts and grow their confidence.

With their parents’ full blessing and encouragement, we got to know and love these kids. Over time, they came to trust us and occasionally even turn to us. Looking back, I’m pleased that we played at least a tiny part in helping them find their paths. We did so by accepting them, letting them know we believed in them, and always being there for them.
Through their adolescent journey, I certainly learned one other thing — my love for them grew exponentially.
Aunt Trumps Umple
Truthfully, I must give most of the credit for today’s solid relationships with our nieces and nephews to my (significantly) better half. My wife is blessed with a loving touch. On the flip side, I suspect that, in the eyes of our nieces and nephews, I often held the title of biggest goof on the planet. I became their pal. I loved hanging out with them, and I hope they knew that, above all else, I believed in and loved them.

To this day, as adults, they know our door is always open for them. We dispense oodles of hugs, keep secrets, have no-particular-reason phone and Zoom calls, and share life’s stories and gripes as only special friends can. In no uncertain terms, we encourage them always to know their self-worth, have the strength to chase their dreams, and have the good sense to know that they are loved morethanlifeitsownself.
I have professionally held some respectable and responsible titles, but none has been more important to me than “umple.”
Triple Blessed
Our nieces and nephews became solid citizens through a combination of loving parents and the Good Lord’s blessing. We are soooo proud of them! In many ways, they have become the bricks and mortar of our family, displacing the old farts like me who sought their love and attention while trying to instill confidence and love of family. I certainly don’t take any credit, but something must have clicked, as they are each responsible, reliable, trustworthy, and of sound character. Importantly, they put family first.

And then each niece and nephew did two things for which we will forever be grateful — they married “up” and then started making their own babies. And so the circle of life’s blessings continues. Our family love team has risen from four to eight to 13 … and counting.
Blessed, I have zero doubts that AD (Aunt Deb) and Umple Lee will also play important parts in the lives of this next generation.
I loves me some nieces and nephews. And now great-nieces and great-nephews. Amongst the absolute happiest moments in my life today are when these wonderful blessings — and their own growing blessings — include us in their lives.
Aunt and Uncle Primer
How did we get to be so darned special in their lives?
Donning my faux psychologist cap, at the top of the list is simply trying to be a positive role model. I firmly believe that, without speaking a word, aunts and uncles can impact their nieces and nephews. Actions count, especially when respect and love are driving the bus. While matter-of-factly a step or two removed from the actual family circle, being an examplar is one of aunts and uncles’ most significant obligations.
Being a good listener goes hand in hand with being a good role model. Ditto with giving advice when asked (carefully and without stepping on parents’ toes) and providing unreserved support.

Truth be told, aunts and uncles have a distinct advantage — we don’t have the responsibility of parenting. As such, we can be friends and confidants to our nieces and nephews, providing a different level of emotional support and reinforcing the concepts parents are trying to teach, such as having your siblings’ backs, the importance of education, giving your best, finding your path, getting up when knocked down, and always doing the right thing.
A few final observations from the uncle and aunt trenches: Lean into common interests with your nieces and nephews. Help them display their gifts. And, of course, remember to keep in touch. Don’t let too much time pass between interactions. For all its faults, social media is an excellent tool for letting nieces, nephews, and other family members know that you are thinking of them and are interested in what’s going on in their lives.
Lastly, strengthening relationships is paramount to the family paradigm. Keeping extended family relations solid makes it far easier to become closer to nieces and nephews. Investing in the family as a whole keeps uncles and aunts updated about accomplishments, struggles, gifts, losses, and the burgeoning talents and goals of maturing nieces and nephews and their children.
Rounding Third …
As my nieces and nephews have become responsible young adults, they have tugged at my heartstrings all the more. Some of my best days are when they reach out to us, even more so when they spend time with us. My vision is clear and thankful on this final point — they have each picked up my wife’s heart of gold and her belief that hugs are always a good thing.
I’m so thankful for each of them and their children. Just thinking about them brings me happiness and makes me smile.
Being an uncle is more than an honor. It’s priceless.

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Have you submitted work products to Southern Living or Garden and Gun? Something to consider.
Gentry Barrett
Thank you Aunt Deb and Uncle Lee for being an integral part of our kids and grandkids lives! Thank you for being in our village ❤️❤️❤️
Barbara Barrett
I just read your whole essay out loud to Ira and had to stop several times to wipe away tears, tears of joy of course. How beautifully you put into words Deb and yours relationship with the kids. We are so fortunate to feel we are a part of your family and love you and Deb so much.
Thank you for your eloquent writing and opening up your heart. Love you.
Barb and Ira
Gary McCorkle
Another Cooke Classic!!
Reed Sprague
Beautifully written. From your heart. And it shows. Thank you, Lee.
Courtney Olive
There is no one like Aunt Deb and Uncle Lee who are like family to so many beyond those who they share blood with. I am so thankful for our relationship and now for your relationship with my own little family. Love you both so much!