
"Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash"

Baseball — Changes for the Game

Purists like myself believe baseball is the ultimate game for many reasons.  The perfect symmetry between the lines; the one-on-one battles; a history, nostalgia, statistics and analytics like no other sport; the in-game strategies (the games within the game); the ability to actually converse between pitches and innings; a long 162-game season; picturesque ballparks;

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"Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash"

Leading With Grace & Kindness

When in this country did we come to the crossroads that indicated it was okay to burn someone’s house down if we disagreed with what they said or believed in? There have always been the yin and the yang, the dark and the light. But why have seemingly large segments of our society veered away from engaging in civil discourse, which seemed, not that very long ago, a plausible path for creating harmony or, at the very least, a grudging respect for individuals or groups with opposing views?

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You’ve wandered into the residence of one old country boy’s musings and takes on random topics. Wordsmithing aside, I can’t be much more precise than that. With retirement looming, my best friend and wife of nearly 40 years asked — perhaps uneasily — what I would do when I crossed that finish line?

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Covid & Yogi

Yankees legend Yogi Berra passed away in 2015. Amazing clutch Hall of Famer that he was, the great Yankee backstop was almost as well-known as a philosopher — his Berra-isms (colloquial expressions that lack logic) made a special mark. And like most deep thinkers going back through the centuries, his brilliant malapropisms still ring true in today’s challenging COVID world. Here are a few of Yogi’s best … and my thoughts on same:

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